Thursday, November 09, 2006


At the Sea-Tac USO tomorrow, a Soldier in the ARMY that saved the lives of many in his unit is being given a $10,000 check from Levitz for a home make-over. He is 21 yrs old, married and has had 13 surgeries due to a bomb blowing up next to him.

Many thanks to Levitz for giving this donation.

Many heartfelt thanks to the Veterans I know:

My dad, Coast Guard, Vietnam vet.

My grandfather, Marine that fought at Guadalcanal.

Also two journal friends: VW and Mike..... thanks for your service.

On Veterans Day we thank and honor all those who have served in the U.S. military. Please take the time to thank service members everywhere who have selflessly served our country in war and peacetime. We will never be able to fully repay our debt of gratitude to all those service members who died or were wounded in battle. We can however, recognize and thank the veterans living today and remember to support those now serving.

The USO's tradition is to be wherever military personnel are located around the world. In times of peace and war, the USO has consistently delivered its special brand of comfort, morale and recreational services to the military. From Southwest Asia, to the DMZ in Korea to Gulf Coast Hurricane relief, the USO is the bridge between service members and the American people. By
supporting the USO, Americans directly show their appreciation and express their gratitude to the men and women who defend us.

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