Thursday, January 31, 2008


The kid and I are suppose to travel over the I-90 pass to Moses Lake on Saturday for a State (soccer) game on Sunday. Man I hope we don't have to go!!! Sheesh. I don't do snow - and I REALLY don't do 30+ inches of it. That does not look like a road to me. Good lord.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Unplanned long weekend

The regular weekend turned in a 3 day weekend. Snow. Ugh. Most of us Western WA people don't do snow very well, myself especially. School was canceled so I had to stay home with the kid. It may or may not snow again tonight. Behold some pic taken from Friday night to Monday AM.

First Friday - I planned a group outing to Safeco Field last year so I got an invite to a special party at Safeco. It was pretty cool. Free parking, free food and had some Mariner people.... JJ Putz was there (I was nervous so the pic is blurry), Jamie Burke - one of our catchers, John McLaren and a new announcer (last season), Dave Sims.... love him.

On Saturday early AM me and the kid drove out to Bellingham for the first of 5 State soccer games. She is playing forward now and it's pretty damn cool.

Monday - the snow.