Ugly guys - pretty girls. I don't know. According to a report on Yahoo women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a notch below them in the looks category. New research reveals couples in which the wife is better looking than her husband are more positive and supportive than other match-ups.
The reason, researchers suspect, is that men place great value on beauty, whereas women are more interested in having a supportive husband.
Supportive = nice, dependable, kind, trustworthy?
The picture of Natalie Portman and her singer boyfriend prove the report to be true. Ugh.... serious beauty and the beast.
uh, yea....that dude is UGLY....
Of course Portman is a foul mouthed, chain smoking, anorexic....but what the hey.....
I have to go to Hawaii every so often for my job. I'm scheduled for this summer as a matter of fact. (I know, it's a sacrifice, but someone has to do it.) You can always spot the really rich guys there. They are the toads with the bikini clad bimbo hanging off their arms.
If ya ain't got looks, at least have money! :)
Well give him a shave and a haircut... then we can actually see what he looks like.
I would guess that part of the attraction for her is that he is hippie looking. Ugh. Gross. Not in a million years!
You know, at least its a man. Did you see the thing Cythia Nixon is dating. What is it???
I bet she would love to go a mile or two with cousin IT
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