I have the honor of paying tribute to Father Francis Grogan. He was 76 years old on 9/11/01. Father Grogan was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 175.
He served as a sonar expert on a Navy destroyer during World War II, and was most recently the head of the Holy Cross Residence in North Dartmouth, Mass. He also had taught high school and served at churches in New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Texas, and Massachusetts - as chaplain and teacher at Holy Cross High School in Waterbury, Conn.; assistant pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Bennington, Vt.; assistant pastor of San Jose Parish in Austin, Texas, and assistant pastor of Holy Cross Church in Easton. Truly a remarkable man, I hope he was able to give his fellow passengers some measure of peace on that doomed flight. Below are some messages left for Father Grogan.... The Lord be with you Father....
Fond and happy remembrances of Francis, as his May 13 birthday approaches. May God bless him and all of you here.
Here, on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 and the horrible events of that day that ended your life here on earth, we think of you and the shining example of your life that shone and showed real and eternal truth to all who knew you. You are in our prayers always. Bill Dalton, Your Cousin
Thinking of you today, Fr. Grogan. We miss you..
The Mahoney Family - Annmarie Mahoney, West Kingston, Rhode Island In forty years of teaching I have continually cited your many words of wisdom imparted to us at Stonehill. Requiescas in pace! Bill Falls, Crowley, Louisiana
Fr.Frank,how I loved your Masses at Holy Cross High School every weekend. Haven't seen you since graduating from WCHS in 1975....but the lessons you taught me have stayed with me. I have told my children all about your kindness and generous spirit,and try to live my life by your example. Thank you for your lessons,rest in peace my friend. I celebrate your life every day,and know you helped many souls see the face of God Sept.11,2001. Beth (DiGiovanni)Niedmann, Harwinton, Connecticut
You were a dear friend Father Grogan. Every day I think about the times we had at St. Stanislaus Parish. Not a day goes by that I don't remember you or the day that claimed your vibrant life. I'll never forget where I was on that awful day or when the pulled me from class to tell me of your death. God Bless you Fr. Grogan. Pray for me as I pray for you every waking moment. Jordan Feijo, Swansea, Massachusetts
Father Grogan lovingly baptized our youngest child, Alexander (now 22) in 1987. Thank you, Father Grogan. I'll always remember your kindness. Jeannine Bakriges, Whitingham, Vermont
remember a Sunday afternoon in April 1996 when my father picked you up at the rectory in easton and brought you to our home where you administered last rights and prayed with us over my grandfather as he took his final turn for the worse. I remember your gentle voice and the calm as we gathered around my beloved grandfather, laying on hands. I remember the comfort your presence brought to our family and my grandmother in particular. I will never forget John T, Virginia

As I sat in front of my computer, I read the pages of love and memories of Fr. Grogan. It is so wonderful to have known this kind and gentle man whom is mourned the world over. I often ask why, and I know I will never understand while my feet still touch this earth, but maybe he will be able to explain it to me, once we meet again in a better place. We will continue to pray for you and hope that you will watch over us.
Michele Goodhue, Flanders, New Jersey
Fr. Grogan was my freshman Theology Teacher at Holy Cross H.S. in Waterbury Conn.in 1970. Real decent guy and was also a lot of fun.
He was loved by everyone. One of the few teachers I remember from high school.
Rest in peace.
I remember Father Grogan from Sacred Heart Elementary School. Even though I was just a young student, I remember a soothing voice. He always spoke warmly and never got frustrated with all of our antics. I remember hearing back in 2001 that he was on one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center. My first thought was that God put him on that plane to reassure people and keep them calm. I felt relieved that the passengers had someone to take care of them.
Thank you Michele.
Father Grogan was the kindest man I ever knew.
Your tribute is beautiful.
He would have been embarrassed by it.
Rob Mulligan,
Holy Cross, Waterbury, '75
Thanks Rob. Michelle's comment, and many others can be found on legacy.com. Clearly the Father was very loved.
Thanks Rob. Michelle's comment, and many others can be found on legacy.com. Clearly the Father was very loved.
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