No matter how many tributes I have done the personal messages to loved ones always get to me. I'm sorry you all are reduced to saying I miss you, I won't forget you on an internet site. Such as it is.... here are some messages left to Robert from legacy.com.... this first one is a doozy.....
I love you Pepere and i will never forget you. You are always in my heart. Your grandson, Ben.
Ben McCormick, North Andover, Massachusetts As promised I spent yesterday in rememberance. I won't ever forget.. Elizabeth Atlanta, Georgia
So hard to believe, even after almost 8 years...Rest in Peace Robert. We'll never forget or what happened on 9-11-01. Mike Doyle, Long Beach, California
In memory.....Seven years ago....we will never forget. Julie, MA
Its been one year since this happened and I hope No one ever forgets all of this, it was terrible. Bob is truly missed here at Rogers Foam. A true American he was. Benny Otero, North Hampton, New Hampshire
I worked with Bob for the last 16 years and enjoyed his friendship every day. He was a wonderful, kind, compassionate man who really enjoyed the people he worked with. His ready smile and infectious laughter brought happiness to us all. I miss him and think about him every day. And every day, my thoughts and heart go out to you and your children and the 3 little grandchildren. I had seen many pictures of them over the years and one Friday in August he brought the older 2 in for a quick visit. I was so happy to meet them, and the pride and pleasure in Bob's face was radiant. God bless you and your family. mary ragone, medford, Massachusetts
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