"She took joy in everything--whether she was good at it or not," said Meris Chang, director of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the hospital. Chang recalled softball games with work colleagues where Teague would be on the mound. "She wasn't the greatest pitcher, but she had such a good time out there she was a joy to watch," Chang said.
Teague's colleagues believed she was in the middle of one of the happiest years of her life. She was dating a man, was blossoming professionally and had formed solid friendships in a short period of time. Teague moved to the Washington area just last year. She had received her master's degree in physical therapy in 1988 from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines.
Clearly Sandra loved her life, her family and friends. Here are some messages and memories that have been left both to her and for her.... I'm sorry.
we miss you Aunt Sandy. Samantha Bruce, New Braunfels, Texas
Thinking of you tonight. The news today brings you to the forefront again. It brings all of the ones who died that day to our attention again. We miss you and think of you often. Rest in peace now, Sandy. Allison Moore, Winston Salem, North Carolina
Sandy, I enjoyed working with you at Hallmark before you were a PT. You were the one that first got me interested in the medical field. Thank you for that. I also finally sat down and watched one of your favorite movies that you suggested. The Shawshank Redemption. You were right! It was incredible! If I ever make it to Australia my husband and I plan to plant a flower or a tree or do something for you in honor of your memory. Keep watching over all of us, Sandy. We all miss you.
Allison Moore, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Wow! It's been 8 yrs ago today. Every year on this day I think about you Sandra. I was so excited for you fulfilling your life long dream of going to Australia and getting ready for your life with Frank. I truly believe you had found your true happiness in life and love.
We worked for 2 years together at Iowa Lutheran and shared some fun times. You wouldn't believe how grown up Clare has become. She's no longer the little baby you helped care for when Sean moved ahead of us to Madison, WI.
You were disappointed that I beat you out of IA; however, you followed very quickly. I remember you asking me to be a reference for you during your job hunt. Georgetown could not have been more blessed to have you on staff. You were an amazing woman with such a zest for life. Your smile will live on in my heart. I pray that your family and loved ones are healing, but I know there will always be questions about Why?. I pray that each year gets easier; however, know that you will never be forgotten.
I may have beat you in the race to move out of Iowa; however, you beat us all in the race to heaven. I miss you! Nancy Davison, Carson City, Nevada
Aunt Sandy,It's almost time for that day again...I'm not ready. I miss you so much. I wonder what you would be like if you were still here with us...if Christmas would be like it use to be, what you would think of the things that have come to happen since you left us. I wish you could have met Matthew...I've told him all about you...although he's still too young to know everything or even understand it. I wish the pain would go away but it won't...it still hurts like it just happened. Watch over us...I love you very much and miss you! R.I.P. Samantha Teague, New Braunfels, Texas
Sandra,There is not a day that goes by that I don't remember you, and the to few mornings of working the Gym together at Georgetown. My prayers are always with your loved ones, that they may find some comfort to this horrible tragedy. YOU will never be forgotten. Kristin Torbett-Holt, Waldorf, Maryland
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