Gail, Elizabeth & John, Our prayers are with you all year, but ever so much more so on 9/11. I miss Jim, his sense of humor, and most importantly, what a wonderful, caring person he was. We were all blessed to know him, although for much too short a time. God bless you. Much love, Sue & Ralph Frye
On this day every year since, and every year to come, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. JF - Netegrity Employee, Framingham, Massachusetts
Jim, we miss you. Rest in peace. Sunil Madhu, Medford, Massachusetts
I think of Jim often and miss him terribly. He was kind, considerate, caring, dedicated, and easy to talk to. He always listened and had quite words of advice. There are so many funny things I remember – every time I slice a strawberry I can hear him say “what are you doing” he brought fresh strawberries to a meeting once for everyone to share I sliced mine before eating them – it may have seemed a bit strange to some. Every time I look at a new building – you see I’m a facilities manager and Jim and I spent a lot of time with the broker looking for new space! Every time I’m on a ladder, I’m not sure what he was thinking when he ran down the hallway when he saw me on a ladder yelling at me “to be careful”! I have great memories of Jim, I’m lucky to have known him. Gail, Elizabeth, John – my heart goes out to all of you. Donna Burke
Gail, Elizabeth, John,
Not a day, or really, an hour, goes by where I don't think of each of you. I am praying for you and praying for each of us here in America. I am a security analyst who covers Netegrity, and I had no better friend in business than Jim. Whenever I had a financial question, I would call Jim. He always knew the answer and would take time to carefully explain it to me.
As I matured as an analyst, so did my appreciation for Jim. He was never too busy to talk, never too full of himself to not listen, and never, ever condescending. When I think of a guiding hand on the rudder of a ship in very stormy seas, I think of Jim. When I need an example of kindness, I think of Jim. Whenever I arrive at the precipice of thinking of people as something other than vulnerable human beings, I think: Jim. He never lost perspective, why should I? It is hard for me to put into words the gratitude I felt for having known him. Jim was more than a friend to me, he was a living example of what is meant to never lose touch with what's important in life. I miss him. And I think of each of you a lot. I will never, ever forget Jim Hayden as long as I live. Thank you for sharing him with me. Katherine Egbert, San Francisco, CA
Not a day, or really, an hour, goes by where I don't think of each of you. I am praying for you and praying for each of us here in America. I am a security analyst who covers Netegrity, and I had no better friend in business than Jim. Whenever I had a financial question, I would call Jim. He always knew the answer and would take time to carefully explain it to me.
As I matured as an analyst, so did my appreciation for Jim. He was never too busy to talk, never too full of himself to not listen, and never, ever condescending. When I think of a guiding hand on the rudder of a ship in very stormy seas, I think of Jim. When I need an example of kindness, I think of Jim. Whenever I arrive at the precipice of thinking of people as something other than vulnerable human beings, I think: Jim. He never lost perspective, why should I? It is hard for me to put into words the gratitude I felt for having known him. Jim was more than a friend to me, he was a living example of what is meant to never lose touch with what's important in life. I miss him. And I think of each of you a lot. I will never, ever forget Jim Hayden as long as I live. Thank you for sharing him with me. Katherine Egbert, San Francisco, CA
I joined Netegrity a few years after 9/11---and I heard many wonderful stories about Jim. There was a James Hayden peace and reflection room at our office. You could go into the room, close the door, look out over a waterway, rest in a big lounge chair complete with a vibrant kelly green blanket, and look through rememberances of Jim.
When Netegrity was acquired by CA Technologies--and the office was soon to be shut down, I wondered what would happen to the affects in this room? Where would the corporate history of Jim, and what he meant to so many, live from now on? It bothered me to think it would be lost in a new corporate entity not of the Netegrity family.
10 years gone by, the room and Netegrity are long gone, but my memory of the room---and my reflection of what Jim meant to the company and it's employees---that lives on for me every year at this time. And, for someone who didn't know him personally, or work at Netegrity at the time he was there, in some small way, I'd like to think that me reflecting on him speaks a little bit about how all those lost on that day live on in so many different, positive, and supportive ways. I hope that this helps add just a little bit more peace and comfort for Jim's family and friends.
09/11/2011 -- I was working at Netegrity in Waltham on 9/11. I had been in an early morning meeting when we were interrupted with the news. I have not wanted to revisit the heart wrenching shock of that day, and I have avoided each anniversary since. However, Jim Hayden has never left my thoughts. I am haunted by his gentle disposition... a man I hardly knew at all, yet he left such an indelible memory for me. I can still see him as he was.
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