I have the honor of giving tribute to Ana Gloria Pocasangre de Barrera. Ana was 49 years old and was from El Salvador. Ana was on flight 175.
I am sorry, I could only find a few links to info about Ana. Here is a link for info about Ana, below are some quotes from both strangers expressing their condolences and from people that knew her.
Ana Gloria Pocasangre de Barrera
September 02, 2009 September 02, 2009
Thank you all greetings po m GeiselBarrera pocasanre name is Ana Gloria's daughter much love in Christ Jesus my famiia and I are good knowing that my mother is in heaven beside God And one day we will be together
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Geisel Barrera, Geisel Barrera
orange county, California Orange County, California
April 29, 2009 April 29, 2009
Pues todas mis condolencias por que me aguito por lo que paso a las familias de latinos ANA GLORIA que dios te bendiga y dichosa tu que ya estas con Dios nuestro seƱor, siempre AMERICA te recordara por que fuiste una gran trabajadora y por sacar adelante a la familia... For all my condolences for Aguito me about that back to the families of Latino ANA GLORIA god bless you and your happy with that because these God our Lord AMERICA always reminded you that you were a great worker and to bring forward the family ... Mis mas sentido pesame a la familia Pocasangre-Barrera My deepest condolences to the family Pocasangre-Barrera Miguel Picazo Miguel Picazo
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Miguel Picazo, Miguel Picazo,
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas
April 17, 2009 April 17, 2009
Our hearts go out to you at this time and in the days ahead. Our hearts go out to you at this time and in the days ahead.
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Doug Abraham, Doug Abraham
Livonia, Michigan Livonia, Michigan
December 21, 2008 December 21, 2008
hola solo kiero darle un abrazo muy fuerte a la familia de gloria. hola solo kiero give him a big hug to the family of glory. k dios los vendiga. k dios los vendiga. yo so manuelpocasangre vivo en san francisco ca. manuelpocasangre so I live in san francisco ca. nieto de miguel angel pocasangre Michelangelo's grandson Pocasangre
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manuel pocasangre, manuel Pocasangre
san francisco, California san francisco, California
Contact Me Contact Me
September 11, 2008 September 11, 2008
Another year has come and my condolences to the family remain the same. Another year has come and my condolences to the family remain the same. May God grant you the comform and the serenety to be able to remain strong each year. May God grant you the COMFORM and the serenety to be able to remain strong each year. Blessing to all your family, Blessing to all your family, Sincerely, Sincerely, Violetta Gonzalez Violetta Gonzalez
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Violetta Gonzalez, Violetta Gonzalez,
Tinton Falls, New Jersey Tinton Falls, New Jersey
Look how many names you took on!
I'm awed.
Still have 46 more to go.
Thank you for remembering Ana.
Thank you for remembering Ana.
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