I have the honor of paying respect to Lizz Wainio. She was killed on Flight 93 on September 11th. She was 27. She worked as a district manager for Discovery Channel Stores and was traveling to San Fransisco on business. She had many friends and family and was a success at her job becoming the No. 1 ranking business development manager in regional sales performance at Discovery. In high school she was captain on the cheerleader squad, editor of the newspaper and member of the field hockey team.
Fundraiser for the Honor Elizabeth Wainio '95 Memorial Communications Scholarship
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Event Location: Ropewalk Tavern,
1209 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
Fundraiser for the Honor Elizabeth Wainio '95 Memorial Communications Scholarship
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Event Location: Ropewalk Tavern,
1209 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
Heartbreaking but filled with love messages to her on legacy.com:
October 08, 2009
My Darling,
We have celebrated your life today with your favorite foods and beverage as well as a favorite dessert. Your friends and I have shared fun memories and some of your favorite quotes. We love you. Happy Birthday.
Momma Esti
Esther Heymann, Baltimore, Maryland
September 14, 2009
Dear Elizabeth,
Well, another year as passed. Last week was a busy week for you again. First, Esti, Sarah and I went to Washington, DC for the day ending at the Capitol for the unveiling of the plaque to honor you and the other 39 passengers and crew aboard Flight93. It is amazing to think that your name will be forever in that building of so much history for our country. Then on Thursday, we joined your friends at the Ropewalk for the annual fundraiser for your scholarship fund at Towson University. It was held on a weekday instead of the weekend this year and to be honest turned out to be for me personally, a gift. For the first time in years, I was not sitting around on the 10th of September dreading the next day. On Friday morning, Esti, Sarah and I left at 6AM to drive to Shanksville for the memorial service for you and the other 39 passengers and crew. We had not been to the last two years events because as you know, we spent it in New York visiting Sarah and eating at Ruby Foos, your favorite. We drove up and back the same day. As always, it is an emotional day and draining. I miss you as much today as I did 8 years ago. It is hard to believe that it has been eight years. Before, I forget, while we were in Washington, we visited the Smithsonian and saw the display they had to 9/11. They had for Flight 93 a picture of the crash site and also a damaged air phone. I immediately thought that this could have been the same phone that you used to call Esti that day. I am so glad that you called her because I know that if anyone could have helped you get through that day, it was going to be Esti. It gives me great comfort to know that in your last minutes of life, that you could share them with her. I love you so very much and miss you beyond words. Love, Daddy
Ben Wainio, Baltimore, Maryland
I am always drawn to the heroes of United Flight 93. Thank you for remembering Honor Elizabeth.
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