I have the honor of giving tribute to Peter Feidelberg. Peter worked at Aon Corporation, on the 104th floor of 2 World Trade Center. Peter was married to Meredith Ewart and they both work together at Aon. Tragically they both were killed in the WTC on Setember 11th, 2001. I have added both of their pictures here. I am so sad over the loss of these two people.
Here are some great posts that are also sad from Legacy.com:
Finky Pete!.... I still think about you. I always will. Every once and a while, I hear your laugh and remember something about you. Today, 8 years later I find this guest book and a few familiar names sharing the same sentiments. rest in peace my friendBob Lessard,
Seattle, Washington
Finky....I can still hear your wonderful laugh and it brightens my day every time. I miss you, Pete...we all miss you. You will always be in our hearts.
Tim Clayton,
Dorchester, Ontario
I knew Peter while at University and I remember him as a smiley, happy, good natured soul. His fraternity and my sorority regularly partied together. I was shocked when I learned a few days after 9/11 that Peter worked with his wife at the WTC and that they were among the missing. This is to offer my deepest sympathy to the family members, friends and associates of both Peter and Meredith. Hopefully time has made their passing a little easier to bear. God bless you…..Laura (Colley) WhitelawZeta Tau Omega sorority ’88-‘91
Laura Whitelaw,
Mississauga, Ontario
Peter..The most smilingest giggly impish angel - I can't tell you how much I miss you and your laugh...I want you to know that I hear you guys laughing in my ears all of the time..and that you take great delight in every speech I give..because I ended up having to use the Toastmaster experience way more, once again! (I'll never forget how you got out of the speech on your wedding party! Rascal)...When I took the elevator that morning and right before you ran to the stairwell - I know you were saying goodbye to me..neither of us knew anyone would make it out that day...and I called and called you and Mer...and I still have a difficult time accepting that you're up there now, and not down here.. I have your initials along with Merideths and Colins, Mike A and Kirsten and Deb all in a long twisting vine tattoo ln my left arm (closest to my heart) and I take you with me...everywhere I go..I miss you so much.(you don't have to protect me anymore from you know who - or maybe you still are!)Keep laughing.Love,laen
Laen Reeves,
Aventura, Florida
I thought you might be interested in reading 10 year anniversary tribute in "The Toronto Star" about Meredith and Peter.
Thank you. So awful. Here is the link to the story:
To my dear Meredith, I can still hear your sweet counsel and friendship from the years we spent together at the United Nations, your first job in the US. I know how happy you were with Peter, and a small comfort to know you are together now. Your friend Carolina L.
I remember you so fondly Peter it was 1990 and I was only 18 we met on a holiday in Rome.We wrote and met up one time in the Uk in 1992.I loved your smile and laugh.We lost touch but only in 2015 I find out this awful thing happened to you! I have a photo of us and your friend Michael at the Vatican I could upload..God bless you.Karen Roberts Uk email karen.judd@sky.com
I remember you Peter .It was 1990 and my friend and I were youth hosteling in Rone in August.We met you and your friend Michael and went around with you.You had such a lovely smile and laugh and were so friendly I really liked you! We were from the Uk so we wrote to each other and met up one further time in 1992.We lost touch.I have a photo I wanted to send you of us outside the Vatican.So awful to google and find out you have passed away so horrible. God bless uou Peter and your wife.Karen Roberts Uk karen.judd@sky.com
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