I have the honor of paying tribute to Bernard Brown. Bernard was only 11 years old and was on flight 77. I'm sorry to say that I had forgotten that there were kids on the planes. I cannot imagine the grief his family must feel every day - I am so sorry for the loss of your son. He did not deserve this. Here are some quotes from legacy.com.
I saw your Daddy on TV a few days ago and could see how much he misses you. What a good boy you are. I don't know you, but I feel the void you have left on this earth. God Bless You sweetheart.
September 11, 2007
I hope your family has found some comfort in the happiness of their warm memories of you. Our nation still grieves for you. I hope your teacher was able to shield you from fear on that plane. Rest in peace.
Just another sad American,
September 11, 2007
I hope your family has found some comfort in the happiness of their warm memories of you. Our nation still grieves for you. I hope your teacher was able to shield you from fear on that plane. Rest in peace.
Just another sad American,
hi my name is meme and i go to north high in az... when i seen this little boy i new i had to say somethin... he reminds me of myself when i was little loving the game of basketball its a beautiful things....im sure he would of been the best just like MJ.... he tuch my heart with his smile thx ....
meme lemell,
el mirage, Arizona
meme lemell,
el mirage, Arizona
I watched an interview of Bernard Brown,Sr. I will never forget the words he spoke about his son. The grief touch me in a way that I have not experienced. I pray for your peace and inner strength. To lose such a wonderful light, is not an easy thing I know. God Bless You and Your Family.
T. Burthey,
Dumfries, Virginia
T. Burthey,
Dumfries, Virginia
Thank you for such a wonderful post. For all of them, actually. It is people like you that give me hope.
Thank you Rob. That's very kind of you. It was hard to do time wise, I got the 50 names on Tues night but it was harder to do emotionally. This day still just is a knife to the heart.
It is the children that make us cry the most... our most innocent. Thank you for remembering Bernard.
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