Sunday, February 03, 2008

So far

The kid's soccer team is 2-0 so far in their state tournament. One game was postponed due to Snoqualmie Pass being well, un-passable. Since all of the East-West games were put off all of the game will be extended a week. We'll find out this week where we will play - hopefully we'll be able to stay on this side of the mountains. The kid is playing forward then the coach moves her to play defender when there's a few mins left as a safeguard to our lead.


Rex Zeitgeist said...

My sisters boyfreinds son (age 8) scored three goals in their game today...The only goals scored....

I guess some of the parents of the other teasm are getting sick of him dominating every game...All the kid (Paul) does is play soccer every spare minute of the day....

Kell said...

I know how that is. When my kid played in REC league she would score 3,4,5 goals a game and would kick ass and play fwd, defender... whatever was needed. It was a little embarrassing as she was there to win and about 95% of the team was there to have fun... including the coach. Once she got to Select soccer she wasn't the big fish anymore and that was tough on both of us. She was still the fastest girl on the field - and is a natural athlete but she needed to learn the skill. So now, 8 months of Select soccer she is playing fwd on her team and has worked her butt off. She said to me yesterday after her game that she was really proud of herself for getting to fwd on this team and that is pretty damn cool. When I was 12 yrs old I never worked hard for anything so I'm glad she has learned something good for herself.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

Thats great it turned out this way, I remember you being upset at the coach for not using her skills properly....

Sports teach so much, teamwork, camraderie, selflessness, sacrifice, and how to deal with victaory and defeat.....