I have the honor of paying tribute to Myra Aronson, she was 50 years old on 9/11/01. She was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11. Myra lived in Charlestown, Mass. Myra Public Relations Manager for Compuware Corporation in Cambridge. Aronson taught public relations courses at Emerson College and served on the marketing committee for the Handel and Haydn Society, a premier period instrument orchestra and professional chorus. Family and friends described her as athletic and health-conscious. Myra also loved all things French. She sounds incredible. Here are some memories that I found about Myra, from friends and strangers:
Myra, Thinking of you today on the 5th anniversary of 9/11. Although the Met is the same it's not the same without you....
Robyn Cerrone,
Boston, Massachusetts
Robyn Cerrone,
Boston, Massachusetts
I worked with Myra for years, including at the time of her death — I in Detroit, and she in Cambridge. I'll always appreciate her mentoring me in PR. She was always willing to inform, humor, and befriend. Myra, you continue to be sorely missed. May God richly bless you.
Posted by Doug Anter on 2011-01-05
Posted by Doug Anter on 2011-01-05
On the eve of 9/11, my prayers are going out to Myra and her family.... I didn't know her long, but she was such a sweet lady. I will always remember aerobics class with her in Boston.... God bless you, Myra.
Posted by Jayson Riley on 2010-09-10
Posted by Jayson Riley on 2010-09-10
Just thinking of Myra today and of course wishing things had been different. Whenever I think of her I think of her green dress. She was always coaching me in yoga class and we'd laugh. We miss you Myra.
Posted by Robyn Cerrone on 2006-09-11
Posted by Robyn Cerrone on 2006-09-11
From: Brenda Date: 12/16/2005Message: Rest in peace, knowing that we will never forget you.
Actually, Myra was a little younger; she was in my Ladue High School 1968 graduating class.
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